Support workers on Hireup are permitted to perform tasks within the following general guidelines and in alignment with the support worker job description:
- Assist you with personal care and daily routine support including: dressing, bathing, toileting and eating
- Assist you to develop community and life skills, such as: budgeting, shopping, meal planning, cooking and maintaining your living space.
- Support activities of mobility and transferring. Please make sure you have provided clear instructions to enable the support worker to undertake this work safely.
- Support you with necessary household duties such as cooking, cleaning and laundry activities
- Support you to keep yourself and your environments safe, clean and healthy
- Ensure healthcare activities are addressed, such as taking medications or attending medical appointments. Please make sure you have provided clear instructions to enable the support worker to undertake this work safely.
- Maintain social, vocational and community activities, as well as developing relationships in the wider community
- Assistance in the development of care plans
- Administration support - sitting with you to help with managing your Hireup account, profile and other admin.
To understand tasks that would fall outside of the role of a support worker, read 'Types of support that Hireup Support Workers cannot provide'.
For the safety and privacy of all our users on the platform, support workers are not able to provide supports inside their own home.