Vehicle allowance for Clients
What is the vehicle allowance?
In accordance with the SCHADS industry award, if a worker uses their own car during a shift they are entitled to claim $0.99 per kilometre. Hireup charges $1.05 per kilometre for this; the extra $0.06 helps cover compliance and invoicing. This is a Vehicle Allowance for the distance they have driven during that shift. This does not include travel to and from the shift.
How do I pay for the vehicle allowance?
Hireup will send the Vehicle Allowance to you on a separate invoice alongside your regular weekly invoices.
Hireup will include the Vehicle Allowance on your regular weekly invoices that are sent to your nominated plan manager. Please check with your plan manager to see if they are able to pay transport invoices before booking transport shifts. If you'd prefer to manage your transport invoices, please email your request through to our team at and we can send you these directly.
Hireup will claim transport through the NDIA Portal. We can only claim transport services from 1. Core Support - Social Community and Civic Participation 2. Capacity Building - Relationships or 3. Capacity Building - Social Community. If you'd prefer to manage your transport invoices, please email your request through to our team at and we can send you these directly.
Enabling Vehicle Allowance
You can enable the vehicle allowance when making a booking or you can enable it after you've made a booking from editing your team. This will enable the vehicle allowance for all bookings with that worker. We recommend enabling the vehicle allowance for all bookings if bookings with this worker are likely to be regular.
To enable the Vehicle Allowance for all Bookings:
From your dashboard, click the ‘edit team’ button next to 'your team'.
Click the three dots next to the worker.
- Select vehicle allowance and change the vehicle allowance option to ‘yes’ and click ‘confirm’.
To enable the vehicle allowance when making a booking:
- Tick the box beside 'Support Worker vehicle allowance' when making a booking
Without enabling the vehicle allowance from your team, you will need to select this option for each booking that transport support is required.
Vehicle Allowance for Support Workers
Under the SCHADS industry award, a worker is entitled to claim a Vehicle Allowance. This only applies for the distance they have driven during that shift. This does not include travel to and from the shift.
How do I get paid the allowance as a worker?
Hireup will pay Vehicle Allowance for Support Workers on a two week basis with their usual pay. The pay slip will show you the number of kilometres travelled and the total amount for payment.
How is it recorded?
To claim the Vehicle Allowance, Support Workers must enter the total kilometres travelled during the shift. They submit their shift hours on the Hireup booking form. The Client will approve this amount.
Can I claim a Vehicle Allowance if I provided transport support during a shift (travel/kilometre expenses)?
Yes, under the SCHADS industry award, Support Workers can claim a Vehicle Allowance for using their own vehicle on a shift.
How do I use the Vehicle Allowance feature on Hireup?
The Client should enable Vehicle Allowance on the booking
- Find the shift you are wanting to submit, and click ‘Review’ on the right of the booking
- Click ‘Review and Submit’ on the next booking screen
- Click the box ‘I need to claim vehicle allowance for this booking’
- Enter in where you drove to, and the distance travelled (in kilometres)
- Click ‘Save and Submit’
The Client will then be able to review the distance travelled when they approve the shift hours. The Hireup team will then process the Vehicle Allowance based on the payment preferences of the Client. The Support Worker will receive the allowance with their next pay.
Is Vehicle Allowance Taxed?
Yes. As the vehicle allowance is over the reasonable allowance rate (as prescribed by the ATO), it forms part of your taxable income and is therefore taxable. At the end of the financial year, you may be entitled to claim a deduction on your tax return for your motor vehicle expenses. Please refer to the ATO website or your financial advisor for further details.