Hireup is committed to fair, transparent and simple financial management for Clients with Hireup.
- Provide fair and affordable pricing for Hireup services
- Provide simple payment methods
- Provide a transparent invoicing and payment system.
- We provide a fair and accessible service without compromising support worker wages
- Our platform has been designed to work at scale, while keeping costs down for Clients
- We pay industry-leading wages, including casual and penalty loading. We passionately believe that by paying Support Workers properly, Clients receive higher quality support
- Our employer model means we take care of superannuation and tax contributions for our Support Workers
- Hireup is compatible with different forms of funding. We charge less than the NDIS hourly rate so Clients are able to receive more hours of support
- The current pricing rates are available on the Hireup website
- Hireup will give Clients at least one week's notice of any change in the hourly rates and pricing by sending an email to each person’s nominated email address.
Payment Methods
How payments are made for Hireup services will depend on each Client’s funding type and the information provided in their financial plan.
Agency Managed (or NDIA managed)
- Each Client needs to create a service booking on their NDIA portal to cover the cost of their Hireup services, or give Hireup the authority to do this on their behalf.
- Once a week Hireup will make a claim through the portal for the services used.
- An activity statement will be sent to clients weekly with a summary of the claims made.
Plan Managed
- The Client is responsible for providing their plan manager's details in the financial section of their Hireup account.
- Hireup will send invoices to the nominated plan manager for payment.
- The plan manager is required to pay the invoice by the due date.
- The Client must work with their plan manager to make sure there are funds available to pay invoices on time.
- If Hireup has not received payment within 15 business days of the date of the invoice, we will follow up with the plan manager and the client. If payment is not made, this may trigger the deactivation of the account depending on the situation.
Self Managed
- The Client needs to select the direct payment method when setting up their financial details in their Hireup account. Hireup will send an invoice every week with different payment options, including credit card, ApplePay/GooglePay, PayPal or bank transfer. These should be paid within 7 days, however special circumstances can be discussed with Hireup on 02 9113 5933 or
- Clients can also pay by direct debit. Contact:
- If a Client wants to pay by credit card, they are responsible for making sure there are funds to cover the payment. If a payment is rejected on the first attempt, we will try again over the next 3 business days.
A Client may change their payment method at any time by contacting Hireup. It can take up to 5 working days to transition to the new payment method, so invoices might need to be paid using the old method during this period of transition.
Invoicing & Payment System
Tentative Booking
A tentative booking can be made by filling out the 'request a booking' section of the Hireup platform. Hireup will then estimate the cost for the booking. The Client can then submit their tentative booking.
Confirmation by Support Worker
Details of the tentative booking are sent to the nominated support worker for review. The Client is then notified if the Support Worker accepts or declines their booking. If the Support Worker accepts the booking, the Client commits to paying for the services in the booking at the applicable hourly rate.
Booking is worked
Once the booking is completed, the support worker will submit a completed booking form with the actual hours worked. The Client will receive a 'Completed Booking Confirmation'. If the information is accurate, they must approve the form within 2 days. If anything is not correct, they must decline the form and let the support worker know why, e.g actual hours worked are wrong.
Invoice and Payment
When a 'Completed Booking' is approved, Hireup will send an invoice to the Client or the nominated third party. Payment will then be made by the Client or the nominated third party.
All Clients must review and approve or decline bookings within 2 days. They must also pay invoices by the due date. If Clients get behind on their payments, Hireup may suspend or terminate the Client in line with our collections process and Procedure for Suspension and Termination of Service for Clients.
For fees and processes associated with late cancellations of bookings, please refer to Hireup’s Statement on Cancellations.