Managing multiple accounts on Hireup as a Support Coordinator
We understand that Support Coordinators have large caseloads with a need to manage many moving parts to ensure a participant's support needs are being met. That is why we have created a dedicated account on Hireup for Support Coordinators with additional features to assist in finding and managing support workers for your participants' one-on-one individual support requirements, all from one login.
NOTE: At this point in time, Support Coordinator accounts operate best from our web platform, with limitations on our iOS and Android apps. These limitations include not having the ability to switch between your participant’s accounts on the app.
Adding additional clients from the drop-down menu and switching between them.
Navigate to the drop-down menu in the top right corner after you log in and select “+ Add new client” then complete your participant's details.
To switch between your clients, you can navigate the drop-down menu and select which participant profile you would like to view.
Adding additional clients from your Home Screen and switching between them.
Navigate to the Home Screen after you log in and select “+ Add new client” then complete the details for the participant you support.
To switch between your clients, you can navigate to the home screen and select which client profile you would like to view.
Ready to get started? Check out our Platform tour for Support Coordinators and register today as a Support Coordinator.