Hireup is a ‘profit-for-purpose’ business and we strive to build a scalable and financially sustainable company to better support people with disabilities to pursue a good life. We recognise that risks inherently exist in our business environment and we are committed to mitigate those risks. This includes the risk of fraud and corruption.
Acts of fraud and corruption may cause harm to our clients or staff, and may lead to the loss of our ability to deliver care, or practice under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Acts of fraud and corruption are illegal and Hireup has zero appetite for these types of risks. Hireup is committed to preventing, detecting and responding to acts of fraud or corruption. We expect all Hireup users to share the same commitment.
Hireup understands that we must work to prevent:
- Fraud that targets clients on the Hireup platform
- Fraud that abuses NDIS funding
- Fraud that occurs within the organisation.
Hireup will work to prevent fraud targeting Clients by:
- Ensuring all Support Workers are screened and verified
- Providing a secure platform for users to operate in
- Ensuring all Clients understand their responsibilities to manage their account
- Ensuring Clients, Account Managers and Support Workers understand the importance of keeping their account secure
- Building and deploying proactive data analytics tools and systems that identify potential fraud bookings or behaviours.
- Maintaining a Incident Management systems focused on continuous improvement
Hireup will ensure that we respond to this type of fraud by:
- Having a robust incident management system
- Defining our tolerances for fraud in Hireup‘s Risk Appetite statement
- Acting swiftly to investigate suspected fraud
- Returning monies to NDIS plans as soon as the fraud is proven
- Reporting the fraud to the NDIS Fraud Fusion Taskforce and to the police where relevant
- Working with the affected persons to ensure similar issues do not occur again
NDIS Funding
Hireup will work to prevent fraud of NDIS funding by:
- Building proactive data analytics tools that identify potential fraud bookings or behaviours
- Ensuring all Clients have a Hireup Service Agreement
- Ensuring all Clients book support that is inline with NDIS Practice standards
- Reviewing individual support needs every 12 months
- Educating Clients and Support Workers on obligations and options for reporting
- Suspension or termination of employment based on Hireup’s Code of Conduct for Support Workers
- Suspension or termination of Service Agreement in accordance with Hireup’s Code of Conduct for Clients
Organisational Fraud
Organisational fraud prevention is the responsibility of all Hireup staff.
All staff are essential in reducing Hireup’s exposure to fraudulent activity by behaving in an ethical way, consistent with Hireup’s values and policies and procedures, by reporting any incidents of suspected fraud through their managers / supervisors or Hireup’s Primary Speak Up Protection Officers in line with the Speak Up Policy.
Hireup will work to prevent organisational fraud by:
- Developing robust financial management systems and processes
- Embedding ethical values within the business
- Developing a culture of no-retribution for fraud reporting
- Developing and maintaining Fraud Management Plan
- Conducting regular internal and external audits.
Hireup will ensure that we respond to this type of fraud by:
- Having a robust incident management system
- Acting swiftly to investigate suspected fraud
- Suspension or termination of employment based on Hireup’s employment policies and procedures
- Reporting any proven fraud to the Risk & Safety Committee, the Board and regulatory bodies including the NDIS (where required)
- Reporting the fraud to the police.
Report an incident
Has an incident occurred? Report it via our online incident report form.
If you would like to discuss an incident with us, please contact the team via or on (02) 9113 5933.