How many people can be on a booking?
At Hireup, we believe that individualised support is a great way to ensure clients have choice and control in how they live their life.
We've built a system and pricing model that enables clients to find the right support worker for them. Individualised support is an effective way to achieve personal NDIS goals, too.
We offer one to one support for multiple reasons, which include:
- Ensuring that clients receive the individualised support they want and require
- Fulfilling our responsibilities as a registered NDIS provider
- Reduce the risk and implication when needing to divide your attention across multiple people who need support
- Adhering to any limitations of duty of care
- Supporting more than one person during a booking is outside the scope of support workers job description
- Ensuring support workers are remunerated according to our 1:1 employment model
Can I hire more than support worker to come and support me?
Yes, absolutely. You can hire more than one worker to come and provide support as a client. However support workers can only work with one client at a time.
Can my support worker babysit my other children?
No. Your support worker is employed to provide one to one support for one person only.
Can I bring a friend with me on support shifts?
As a support worker, your role is to provide great support. It’s recommended that you do not bring a friend to a shift so you can focus on the person you’re supporting. It’s important that the person you support feels at ease and is confident to do the activities they decide to do while you’re working with them.
Buddy shifts
If a client is searching for a new support worker, they may organise a buddy shift. Buddy shifts allow new support workers to shadow an existing support worker to learn about the tailored requirements and ways a person likes to receive their support. This means two support workers will be booked in for the shift.