Anyone with a disability can access the Hireup platform to search for, connect with, hire and manage their support workers. We recognise that the platform may not be suitable for everyone and support each person to make informed decisions on whether Hireup is the right service provider for them. We encourage and empower people to engage in the appropriate services for them both through our platform and with other providers.
Approach to referrals
Hireup does not provide direct referral services however if a user requires support to connect with alternate or additional services, we provide information on possible options within their local area.
Where appropriate, we also recommend using their Hireup support workers to assist with searching.
New applications
Clients can engage with Hireup to determine whether the model is right for them by reviewing the website and marketing materials or through interactions with the Hireup team.
Clients may also start the process of registering for Hireup and entering the onboarding stage, the Hireup team will review the application to assess any identified specialised support and if Hireup is the right fit. The review process may involve conversations with the applicant and other stakeholders. The team is looking to understand whether:
- The client has access to a computer or tablet to use the platform
- The client can manage their own account or can nominate an account manager or link into additional services Hireup provides.
- The types and complexity of support required.
If it is determined that Hireup is not the right fit Hireup will:
- Try to provide appropriate recommendations for alternative supports, taking into account:
- Support requirements
- Location
- Cultural and Linguistic requirements
- The vulnerability of the client.
- Other specific requirements e.g gender, sexuality, religion.
- Provide options for the client to connect with us in the future if circumstances change.
If a current user is leaving the platform for any reason, the Hireup team will ensure assistance is provided to transition from Hireup to an alternate provider, where requested and possible. This could include:
- Organising for Hireup Support Workers to provide support through an alternate provider
- Organise for our Support Workers to provide short-term support through Hireup until the client has transitioned to the alternate provider
- With permission from the client liaise with alternate providers on their behalf.
Where appropriate, we will provide information on available supports or contacts, which may include:
- Advocacy
- Government and Non-Government Services
- Health Services
- NDIS support/information.
- Crisis and Emergency referral pathways
Risk of harm
Where there is a risk of harm to a child or young person, including family violence, we work with individuals and their family to engage in support through relevant reporting bodies and their recommended services.
- Family and Community Services (FACS) in NSW
- Child and Youth Protection Services (CYPS) in ACT
- Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in Victoria
- Department of Child Protection (DCP) in South Australia
- Department of Communities in Queensland
- Department for Child Protection (DCP) in Western Australia
- Territory Families in Northern Territory.