Hireup is committed to supporting individuals with disability and their families to access appropriate and flexible support. Hireup follows all relevant guidelines and regulations in relation to family members providing care and support services.
The ability for family members to provide support on the Hireup platform depends on the rules set out by your funding body and your circumstances.
This statement sets out Hireup's approach to working with family members.
Clients with NDIS funding
The NDIA’s Operational Guidelines detail information on including specific types of supports in plans.
Generally, the NDIA will only fund family members to provide supports in exceptional circumstances. For example, when:
- - There is a risk of harm or neglect to the participant;
- - There are religious or cultural reasons for funding a family member to provide supports; or
- - The participant has strong personal views, for example in relation to their privacy or dignity.
The NDIA will consider the circumstances of each case, any wishes expressed by the participant and also take into account what is reasonable to expect others to provide .
The NDIA will not fund a family member to provide personal care or community access support unless all other options to identify a suitable provider of support have been exhausted.
To ensure we are complying with these Operational Guidelines, you will need to provide Hireup with a letter from the NDIA to indicate that you are approved to provide support to the family member. If you are experiencing an urgent need or are in crisis, please contact Hireup to discuss short term options.
Clients with TAC funding
The Transport Accident Commission (TAC) does not support the employment of family members or friends as paid support workers.
TAC may be flexible on this if no other support workers are available due to location or exceptional support needs; or where existing arrangements are in place, these can continue but will be reviewed individually by TAC.
Other funded services
If you are funded by a different funding body from the NDIS or TAC and you request a family member to provide support, Hireup will ask you to provide details of the funding and review relevant regulations and guidelines to see if this is appropriate.