When you submit a new booking request on Hireup, you will be asked to include a Booking Note - a brief 1 to 2 sentences that outlines what you expect to happen during your Hireup booking. If what ends up occurring during the booking differs to your original note, please don’t worry, a booking note is just designed to be an indication at that point of the booking process.
The Purpose of a Booking Note?
We take our responsibility to ensure the quality and safety of Hireup booking seriously and see this small note as another important avenue to equip our Support Workers with information to prepare them for the job.
Booking Notes and Recurring Bookings
For our members of the community who have repeat bookings, you can simply apply the same note to all recurring bookings. The Booking Note entered for a recurring booking will apply to all bookings in that set automatically.
If you have an existing recurring booking set prior to this change coming into effect you will not need to do anything. Simply let your recurring booking run as is until it ends and then you can enter a booking note with your next booking.
See below for some tips and tricks for writing a booking note.
Tips & Tricks for your Booking Note
- Keep it brief - one or two sentences
- Outline the tasks and outcomes
- Include whether the booking requires specialised support (e.g. hoist, peg feeding, bowel care)
An example of a good booking note:
“Some personal care, a bit of cooking, and a quick trip to the shops.”
“Transport from home to work”
An example of a booking note that isn't as effective:
Too vague: “Transport”, “Help”, “
Too specific: “Go to shops and buy 5 apples”
Below is a snapshot of how the Booking Note will appear on the Hireup platform when submitting a new booking request.
The text field will contain an example that you can simply customise to suit your booking.
The image above is a screen shot of the booking request page. Above the booking note text box there’s a question that asks "what support do you need in this booking?" Requesting 1 to 2 sentences outlining what will happen during the booking and linking to a help centre article for more information. The text field has an sample booking note and says “e.g. Personal care, cleaning the house and a trip to the shops.